Sunday 30 March 2014


I saw this video on the FRANKENSTEINIA blog
 and quite enjoyed it.  Thought you might like it also.


  1. I recently read the original Mary Shelley novel as an e-book and in that Frankenstein destroys the "bride" before she's even brought to life. In the '70s there was a film called "Frankenstein: The True Story" and I assumed it was called that because it was a faithful adaptation of the novel but in fact it's nothing like the novel at all so I don't know why they called it that.By the way,Kid - I was just reading your item on John Carter when you hadn't decided to see the film or not so did you see it after all? I watched it on DVD and it seemed okay to me and far from the disaster it was made out to be.

  2. I remember being disappointed with The True Story when it was first shown because, having read the novel in the early '70s, it was nothing like it at all, as you say. Naw, never got around to seeing John Carter - may do one day.

  3. Well that was enjoyable, cheered me up anyway!

    Reminds me of a Coke (or maybe Pepsi) advert from the early 1990s which had a young couple driving around America, along with a large Frankenstein monster in the back of their car.

    I remember reading a book called Frankenstein's Mother many, many years ago, but can't remember what happened in it, so there's a useless anecdote if ever there was one.

  4. You need to re-read it, THB, and let me know what happens - you can't start an anecdote and not finish it. It's too cruel.


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