Monday 4 November 2013


Wham! #73, November 6th 1965

Sharp-eyed readers amongst you will immediately notice that I've shown one of these pages before in a previous post some time back.  But, hey - this is KEN REID's FRANKIE STEIN strip from WHAM! we're talking about here. If anything is worthy of repeating, 'tis surely one of Britain's finest strips by one of Britain's greatest cartoonists. So, that said, have a laugh at Frankie's frolics and have some safe firework fun on the night of November 5th. Which happens to be tomorrow. (My, what a coincidence - would you credit it?) 

Wham! #125, November 5th, 1966


  1. I'm starting to get jealous of your Frankie Stein collection ..more magic again from Mr Reid - -McScotty

  2. Stick with us, McScotty - eventually you'll have the same collection.

  3. To paraphrase a sporting commentator in this country, too much Frankie is never enough. Not sure I've seen these before, might have been prior to becoming a regular reader. Should check through more of your archive, it's on my to-do list for sure. Thanks for giving late arrivals like myself the chance to catch up.


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