Monday 4 November 2013


NICK CARDY, one of the DC COMICS greats, passed away late yesterday evening.  There will doubtless be many fine remembrances of him of a far more detailed nature than I'm capable of, so here's a few of his covers in tribute to him in the meantime.  I'll add to them throughout the day.


OCTOBER 20th, 1920 -
NOVEMBER 3rd, 2013


  1. Possibly the best cover artist ever - his Teen Titan and Aquaman strips were amazing as well and contained some of his best covers a well as interior art - McScotty

  2. He was definitely one of the top guys, McScotty. Another legend gone, alas.

  3. We were spoiled for choice with the DC cover artists in those days, and Nick Cardy was as good as any of them - the perfect artist for Teen Titans.

  4. That Wonder Girl cover for TT is an absolute belter, GB. As are the others, of course.

  5. Kid, sorry to read of Nick cardy's passing. Your blog is the first I have checked today so the news is new to me. It's only in recent years that I have been able to put a name to his art, which I have enjoyed for many a year. A lot of artists I have to say seem to have, for want of a better phrase, a generic comic art style but Nick Cardy's was one of the styles you could pick out of a lineup any time. Almost a sketchy drawing technique and a way of drawing his characters so that they looked well rounded rather than sitting flat on the page. I particularly liked his work on Teen Titans and Aquaman. He'll be missed but like all of the greats they will live on through their contribution to comics over many years.


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