Thursday 31 October 2013


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Along with my THUNDERBIRDS book that I received the other day from the generous people at EGMONT, was the above boxed set of 100 F.A.B. Postcards - and something else.  Let's look at the postcards first, which are excellent.  (Remember to click on the images to see them larger.  Then click again for larger yet.)

The cards feature different high-quality images from the TV show, including snapshots of the credits sequence at the beginning of each programme, as well as Tracy Island, Thunderbirds machinery, the Hood, the Tracy family and Lady Penelope.  Contained in a sturdy and attractive gift box, this makes the perfect gift for all fans and collectors of GERRY ANDERSON's iconic show.
There's one major problem with them though - which is that they're simply far too good ever to use as postcards.  I certainly won't be sending any of them to anyone.  They can buy their own - which is what you should do right away.

Available now for £14.99.


Also enclosed with my goodies was the above signed A3 print by GRAHAM BLEATHMAN (limited to 500) to celebrate the launch of the Thunderbirds book and Postcard box.  (That's getting framed, that is.)  Many thanks to Egmont and Graham.

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