Sunday 27 October 2013


In a previous post (here) I explained the background to this strip I drew when I was only 17.  I thought it might be good to see it in colour, so I dug out my acrylic inks and gave it a go, Unfortunately, I'm handicapped by being slightly colour-blind, so I freely admit my limitations in that department.  Also, I was working on an A4 photocopy, which I found rather limiting when applying my brush.

Anyway, hardly the finest example of a comic strip you'll ever see, but for a 17 year old lad working in a warehouse (as I was at the time) who hadn't yet developed any kind of style of my own, I'm sure that most impartial commenters will agree that it ain't too bad at all.

Or am I being unrealistically optimistic?


And below (no expense spared) is the black & white copy, obviously.


  1. I remember it from first time around and your colouring has certainly brought it to life.By the way, Gordie , panel 3 - that's me, that is!

  2. I really should've coloured an A3 size copy and spent more time on it, but it's not the worst strip I've ever seen.


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