Monday 28 October 2013



At the very same time that the BUSTER and WHIZZER & CHIPS Comic Libraries were on sale, so too was the EAGLE Picture Library.  Just like W&C, it lasted 14 issues, and the covers are reproduced on this very post for you to peruse at your leisure.  It was good to see JANUS STARK again, even if (as far as I know) he never appeared in any other Eagle-related publication.

If you've enjoyed seeing these classic covers of yesteryear, then feel free to leave a sentence or two of appreciation in the comments section.  You know how insecure we bloggers are.


  1. Now these I DO remember - I had a few of them, but I now wish I had come across the Jason Stark issue!

  2. The art wasn't that great, if I recall correctly. I never looked when I was scanning them.


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