Saturday 7 September 2013


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In 1913, American book publisher, SCRIBNER'S, issued an edition of The WIND In The WILLOWS nicely illustrated by PAUL BRANSOM.  Interestingly, the frontispiece depicted MOLE and RATTY's encounter with the demi-god PAN, which makes it all the more strange that ERNEST H. SHEPARD's later pictorial presentation of the same scene has, so far as I'm able to ascertain, never appeared in any U.S. edition of the much-loved classic for children.  I have therefore published the picture above, for the benefit of any American readers who may not have seen it before.  Below is the Bransom version from the U.S. edition.

METHUEN first published the book in Britain in 1908, though the rights to their childrens catalogue currently belong to EGMONT.  The American edition I acquired recently is published by ATHENEUM books (a division of SIMON & SCHUSTER), which sharp-eyed readers will doubtless have noticed is an anagrammatical way of saying it's 'A Methuen' book.  I wonder if it was deliberate? 

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