Thursday 5 September 2013


Saw this recently when I was going through some back numbers of TV CENTURY 21.  That LADY PENELOPE, eh?  Not much of an investigator, was she?  Stupid b*tch!  PARKER should've given him a right good kickin' - might've saved a lot of people a lot of grief.


  1. Yeah, looks like that was kind of a low point in journalism. Also, far as Saville goes, kind of a low point in human beings, really.
    Then again, all too common. M.P.

  2. Just look at his grinning kipper in that photo - you'd never get tired of punching that imbecilic mug, that's for sure.

  3. When all this came out I felt so let down and betrayed by a man who I had previously liked and respected. And then I felt ashamed of MYSELF for having admired the mongrel! I dealt with it in my own way ( with comedy ) and turned my way of thinking into making him into an object of ridicule.But I still think that they should dig up the body and put the skeleton on trial , find it guilty, hang it and incinerate it, so " Howz about that then; guys & gals?"

  4. Kid, this obviously very innocent piece sends a chill down my spine now that the truth about this monster has been revealed. A pity the BBC and Plod had been as determined as Lady P in their investigations into the peroxide pervert! If only Parker had taken him for a very long 'drive' that night!


  5. On the other hand, Viz let "we've heard rumours about Jimmy Savile that would make your hair curl" slip a full year before the story broke.

  6. As well as his victims, I feel sorry for all those whose childhood thrill of appearing on his programme has been sullied because of his behaviour. They now have to try and forget a once-fondly held memory of their youth.


    Mike, I've added your site to my blog list.

  7. Thankfully I was too young to be really aware of Saville on TOTP in the 60s. By the 70s and like most teenagers I thought him a bit naff as he somehow became a fecking national treasure!!

    By the way look for Gerry Sadowitz's standup performance from the 90s as he correctly debunks the whole Saville personia. Like most I thought he was at worst no more than an irritating, eccentric but charitable wierdo. Gerry calls it straight!
    It is on Youtube and well worth a listen.



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