Thursday 5 September 2013


Recently I've been receiving comments on a daily basis intended to harass me.  No big deal, and don't panic - I'm not about to bore you with the details.  However, most of these comments now go into my Spam file, which I delete unread.  Thing is, I know from previous experience that, for some inexplicable reason, the occasional comment from some of my regular readers can also wind up there.

Therefore, if you've recently submitted a comment which hasn't yet appeared, it may have made its way into my Spam file and been inadvertently deleted.  Feel free to try again, but perhaps it might be an idea to first create a Google account so that your identity can't be hijacked in an attempt to slip a comment under the radar, as has also been happening recently.

Apologies for any inconvenience, and, hopefully, normal service will resume shortly.  In the meantime, enjoy the pretty piccie of the gorgeous girlie.


  1. No worries from me , Kid, you retrieved most of mine and my mistake about those Lupus Fog blogs - they were August LAST YEAR's posts!! - I thought he'd started posting again ( should've gone to specsavers!) Hope your stalker's given up.

  2. JP, I've been in Glasgow for most of the day, had a lovely meal and killed some time in the West End. Dropped into Glasgow University in the evening and had a coffee amidst pleasant company. The saddo has left about 9 messages which have all been deleted unread. He sits glued to my blog and wastes his time writing comments no one ever sees. So, no, he hasn't given up being a loser - no doubt it's all he's got. You see, because he reads everything that I write, he can't believe that I could possibly ignore anything that he writes.


ALL ANONYMOUS COMMENTS WILL BE DELETED UNREAD unless accompanied by a regularly-used and recognized
name. For those without a Google account, use the 'Name/URL' option. All comments are subject to moderation and will
appear only if approved. Remember - no guts, no glory.

I reserve the right to edit comments to remove swearing or blasphemy, and in instances where I consider certain words or
phraseology may cause offence or upset to other commenters.