Sunday 22 September 2013


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Well, another look at some covers and interior images from The MIGHTY WORLD Of MARVEL must be long overdue, so let's remedy that situation right away.  By this time, the colour within MWOM was fast-diminishing - only the exterior covers were still full-colour and the interior spot-green was soon to disappear, leaving only deadly dark and overdone grey tones which obliterated most of the detail.  It's not too apparent in the following pages, but you'll see in the next part how evident the decline is.

So be sure to join us again then.  Meanwhile, enjoy the pretty pics presented for all you particular patrons of this pandemonious place of powerfully perfect pages and pulsating pin-ups.

I got my original copy of this ish while on holiday in Blackpool in 1973.  It contains no pin-ups, alas


  1. Hi Kid,

    Like the new look and logo! It looks like all the covers were drawn by Rich Buckler and inked by Mike Esposito and Frank Giacoia. Nice stuff as always and I look forward to more.

  2. And more you shall have, Nick - before too long. Incidentally, did you mean the blog logo or the comic's logo? Nice to hear from you - as usual.

  3. Gil Kane drawing The Hulk,I truly loved this .

    I cannot believe the age I was when these issues came out.
    My kids are that age now.
    I will have to keep that in mind.

  4. Scary to think it was 40 years ago, eh, Baab? Where did my life go?


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