Monday 23 September 2013


Copyright relevant owner

Here's one that someone out there might be able to help me with.  Above is a JAMES BOND Annual from the '60s, which resides in my vast collection of books, comics, and other assorted items from the past.

However, unfortunately there's a page missing.  Can anyone provide me with full-size scans of page 17 & 18 so that I can restore it to the book?  Or tell me if any Bond DVDs currently available have the Annual as part of a PDF file?  (I've actually got the boxed set of 007 movies, but I don't fancy going through them all to check for myself - lazy buggah that I am.)

So, if you think you can help me restore the book to its former glory, please let me know in the comments section.  I'd be much obliged.


And thanks to BARRY PEARL, a facsimile of both sides of the page has now been restored to the book.  Ta, Baz.

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