Saturday 31 August 2013


Copyright relevant owner

Right, be honest - you thought I'd forgotten, didn't you?  A while back I said I'd publish another RON TURNER-drawn CAPTAIN SCARLET adventure from the second of two Annuals (1969) devoted to the SPECTRUM operative - and you've been waiting patiently ever since!  Well, the wait is finally over - here it is!

I could wax long and lyrical over the superlative artwork, the vibrant colours, the dynamic storytelling - but why bother?  You can see it all for yourselves in the accompanying pages.  So, not being the type pf person to impede the pleasure of others, I'll stop yapping and let you get straight into them.

Spectrum is Green!


  1. Great to see these again, as I used to have the annual.Might try & get hold of it again.

  2. They seem readily available on eBay from time to time, JP. Might be worth checking out.

  3. Can't say it's great to see these again because I've never seen them before - great to see them now though! I likewise will be checking eBay for appearances. Recently watched the CG Captain Scarlet series and really enjoyed them. The stories were much more sophisticated than the original series, relatively speaking. Going places the puppets could never go, the good Captain being just about my favourite of the Anderson puppet series (UFO being the one I re-watch the most of any of the Anderson creations, brilliant locally produced box set of that series on my shelves).
    Such a classic illustration style never dates in my opinion - thanks and keep em coming.

  4. I've got the two CGI CS series on DVD as well, Phil. Not watched them all yet, but liked the ones I've seen. I've also got the first boxed volume of UFO DVDs, but have yet to acquire the 2nd. Will do one day.

  5. Got the new combined boxed set of UFO containing every episode a little while ago, so that's another one crossed off the list.


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