Saturday 31 August 2013


Images copyright relevant owner

"Parting is such sweet sorrow" - and so, alas, we present the final episode of MIKE NOBLE's very first FIREBALL XL5 adventure for TV CENTURY 21 comic.  Only two pages this time 'round, but don't blame me - it's just the way the cookie crumbles.  Y'know, great as they were, wouldn't it have been awesome if the TV21 Annuals had featured the same sort of high-quality colour reproduction as the weekly?  It was surely possible, as the'60s DALEKS Annuals had strips of the same painted style as their back page appearances in TV21.

Anyway, that's it for now, culture-lovers - I'm off to enjoy my many treasures ("the slow result of life's decay" according to LEWIS CARROLL), and laugh gleefully as I foil the deluded intent of my internet stalker by deleting his many comments unread.  Oh, what fun!  See you next post.


  1. When you look back at the hand-painted strips in The Eagle & TVC21 you have to be proud of our artists! I never really appreciated the sheer talent and hard work that went into each panel until I reached adulthood. I just used to take it for granted as a kid. Forget the art galleries - for me the best artists who ever lived worked in UK and US comics. A copy of each and every one should be preserved in a well - guarded museum!

  2. A copy of each artist, JP? I didn't think cloning was that far advanced. Yeah, I'm joking. Even better than a museum would be hard-backed reissues of collected editions - that's what I'd love to see.

  3. What an excellent site you have, one of the best I've seen. Mike Noble is truly an artist he still alive do you know?

  4. Yup, ol' Mikey is still very much around, I'm happy to say. And thanks for the compliment.

  5. Great art, and a verse from one of my favourite poems.

    I'd give all wealth that years have piled,
    The slow result of life's decay,
    To be once more a little child
    For one bright summer-day.

    Still gets to me. Thank you.

  6. Don't mention it - a pleasure.


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