Thursday 8 August 2013


A 1967 edition of the acclaimed classic

Are you all sitting comfortably?  Good, then I'll begin.  My first exposure (ooer, missus) to Kenneth Grahame's 'The Wind In The Willows' was the Disney cartoon 'short' of the same name.  That wasn't the film's original title, which was 'The Adventures Of Ichabod And Mr. Toad', two animated tales combined in a single cinematic presentation.  Singer Bing Crosby narrated the Ichabod portion and actor Basil Rathbone performed the vocal honours on the Mr. Toad one.

Later, they were re-released separately, and renamed after the books on which they were based.  I saw TWITW at an inter-schools art competition prize-presentation (of which I was an entrant) in my local cinema on the afternoon of my very last day at primary school before the school holidays began.  The movie was screened, the prizes awarded, and we were then returned to our schools at the end of the afternoon to collect our schoolbags and jackets, and thereafter revel in eight whole weeks of summer fun before some of us started secondary school at the start of the new term.

It was on a lazy afternoon sometime in first year that I chanced upon the novel in the school library, as chalk dust floated languidly in the white glare of the sunlight which pierced the large curtained windows at the side of the room.  I had enjoyed the cartoon (and recognized snippets of it from screenings of 'Disney Time' on TV one Christmas or other) so decided to read the book and promptly got it stamped out.  It was certainly a good read, but it didn't make an overwhelming impression on me of the kind that one might expect from an acclaimed classic of literature.  No, that would come later - and here's how it did.

I was in my local newsagent's one day in 1972 or mid- '73, and, on their paperback spinner-rack, was the book whose cover you see at the top of this post.  There were two copies, one of which I bought solely because the cover illustration and the pristine, sharply-defined newness of the tome fascinated and appealed to me in some indefinable way.  I had no intention of actually re-reading it - I merely wanted to gaze upon it, handle it, and luxuriate in its presence and the sheer joy of owning an item of such aesthetic perfection.

But then disaster struck!  The next day I inadvertently dropped the book over the side of the settee and dunted a corner.  The putrid portrait in Dorian Gray's attic could not have presented a more terrible vision of ugliness and imperfection as that one crushed corner which so transfixed my horrified attention.  There was only one thing for it - to buy its twin with which it had recently shared a space in the spinner-rack of the shop from where I had purchased it.  I had acquired the first copy on a Friday afternoon after school, so, at the first available opportunity - which was Sunday morning - I rushed to the newsagent's and took possession of the doppelganger destined to assume the place of its maimed and mutilated companion.

Now I had two copies - one at which to gaze longingly in rapt admiration and appreciation of its awesome appearance, and one to - what, exactly?  Read?  Well, why not?  So that's precisely what I did!  It was on that second reading that the scales fell from my eyes and the wonder and mysteries and sheer beauty of Mr. Kenneth Grahame's (and Ernest H. Shepard's) captivating classic captured my heart and soul forever.  The River Bank, the Wild Wood, Toad, Ratty, Mole and Mr. Badger - and not forgetting the washerwoman, the pipes of Pan and the Stoats and the Weasels.

If you've never read The Wind In The Willows, do yourself a favour and do so before you die.  As A. A. Milne (the author of Winnie The Pooh and Toad Of Toad Hall) once wrote: "When you sit down to it, don't be so ridiculous as to suppose that you are sitting in judgement on my taste, or on the art of Kenneth Grahame.  You are merely sitting in judgement on yourself.  You may be worthy: I don't know.  But it is you who are on trial."

Truer words were never spoken.


  1. Kid - it's like you were inside my head as you described your appreciation of that pristine book! Many's the time I have liberated a new arrival from Amazon or some other online retailer and thought this book has in all likelihood not been opened by another human being - especially if shrink-wrapped. As one who tries to keep his possessions in as near a condition as when purchased I share your dismay at the dented cover. Having said that I have bought the odd Marvel Masterwork from TFAW's 'nick and dent' sales (who can afford to by every copy full-priced?), but have failed to find any appreciable dings in them - those guys must be really fussy. As a lad I had the good fortune to have these books read to us, usually
    late afternoon in conditions not dissimilar to your chalk and sunlight scenario, as well as the Narnia series. I recall being transported to a simpler world full of a sense of wonder as a result. I like to think that the phrase 'second childhood' (or still the first as you have mentioned) is when you retain some of that sense of wonder, at least I don't see myself as cynical, bitter and twisted as some of my contemporaries. Another memory jogger of a post.

  2. Kid, a correction to my comment - I think I may have implied that there were a series of Willow books - of course I meant just the one classic volume.

  3. Sometimes judging a book by it's cover is a good thing!

    "That wasn't the film's original title - which was 'The Adventures Of
    Ichabod And Mr Toad', two animated tales combined in a single
    cinematic presentation"

    And much like you, my first exposure was the same as well, care of a home video release Disney put out in the 80's where "The Wind In The Willows" was it's own thing rather than the full feature it came from, though I'm sure schools across the country probably screened faded 16mm prints of that endlessly too! I also had the pleasure of watching Cosgrove-Hall's stop-motion adaptations of the tale courtesy of The Disney Channel as well.

  4. The Disney Wind In The Willows video wasn't released over here 'til around 1991, Chris, so I had to wait 21 years to see it again. Quite a good little short, despite taking a few liberties with the book. And the Cosgrove-Hall version appropriated the Disney ending, I noticed.

  5. Kid, I never read the book, but my favourite adaption is the 1980's tv movie, a 2D animation of "The Wind in the Willows" by Rankin Bass, featuring Roddy McDowall as Ratty's voice. I have watched it countless times.

  6. Jake, your mission, should you decide to accept it, is - read the book.

  7. Phil, I thought I'd responded to your comments, but I can't see it - don't know what happened there.

    I used to love days like the one I described in my post. Just sitting, soaking up the atmosphere to add to the store of memories in later years. Of course, one didn't quite realise that was what one was doing at the time. Good to know that you love pristine books as much as I do.


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