Sunday 7 July 2013



Yay!  The British 'Man of Tomorrow', JOHNNY FUTURE, flies into action against the 'Beast from Yesterday', and shows just what a super- hero is made of.  Actually, I'd have preferred to see the creature a human-sized equivalent of what Johnny used to be - The MISSING LINK.  Then we could have had Johnny revert to his previous state and go toe-to-toe in a one-on-one battle royale!  That would've been interesting.  Who's with me?  H'mm, sneaked away when I wasn't looking, eh?  Oh, well - I'll just have to console myself by enjoying LUIS BERMEJO's fantastic artwork.

Another instalment next week, chums!


  1. Hi Kid,

    Does this story have a title? Like the previous stories you featured on your blog, "Killer Robot", "Disastro" & "Animal Man". Thanks again for posting more Johnny. Looking forward to next weeks developments.
    Strange how the primitive is of such a large size, whereas early hominids started off fairly small, gradually increasing in size as evolving. What are your thoughts on this?

  2. As far as I know, Jeff, it doesn't have an 'official' title, but like the stories from The Dalek Chronicles, it may be referred to by some name given to it by fans long after the fact. (If so, I don't know what it is.)

    As for the size of the 'giant', it can be explained in one of three ways: The scientist's exclamation that they've "created a primitive stone-age giant" is perhaps intended to suggest that such a race of giants existed in the stone-age. Or maybe it's a random side-effect caused by some flaw in the machine. My bet, 'though, is that it's simply artistic licence for the purpose of dramatic effect.

  3. Kid, the stone-age giant is similar to the Troglodyte in "Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger", the Ray Harryhausen movie from the 1970's, which I assume you must have seen at some point, as its on ITV about 6 times a year! That movie caveman was also a giant, inexplicably with a horn growing out of its forehead!
    The film was also disappointing because I was looking forward to the "Good Guy" Troglodyte fighting the "Bad Guy" Minaton, a giant bronze golem that looked like the Greek Minotaur. But for some strange reason the Minaton was easily destroyed with little drama, when a huge block of stone fell on top of it before the two could even meet! Maybe they had gone over budget or something...

  4. Yup, I've seen that movie a few good times. Can't remember if I've got it on DVD or not. I do have The Golden Voyage of Sinbad - great little movie.

  5. No worries with Johnny - he'll tackle the big issues, well big opponents anyway - the Animal Man's giant reptilian/ ape creature, the giant robot and now this overgrown gent with the fluctuating follicles. Bermejo demonstrating his mastery of anatomy with that great foreshortened view of JF flying toward the caveman (must have lived in a bloody big cave!). Keep 'em coming and thanks for sharing.

  6. Just a shame that whoever retouched ol' Cavey made a hash of it, Phil. If Bermejo ever knew about it, I'm sure he was none too pleased.


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