Tuesday 9 July 2013


No, don't worry, the lovely CLEO ROCOS hasn't shuffled off this mortal coil - she's very much alive and kicking I'm extremely glad to say.  What has bitten the dust though, is a picture of her I cut from a newspaper and affixed to my wall around 1984 or '85.  (Could even have been '86, in the interests of accuracy, though adding another option hardly narrows it down.)

When I moved back to the house I'd lived in prior to the one in which I'd acquired the picture, I affixed it to the wall with all my other posters and pin-ups, and there it stayed until just a few hours ago.  Age had taken its toll on the newsprint paper it was printed on and it was showing signs of marked discolouration and fading.  Alas, it was in too poor a condition to make a copy on my scanner and print out a replacement, but luck was with me.

You see, back in the late '80s or very early '90s, I had taken a photograph of the picture on my wall, and I was able to scan this, enlarge it to actual size (of the original picture, not Cleo herself) and then print out a new image to replace the blank space on my wall.  It was with sadness that I bade farewell to the original piccie - after all, it had adorned my room for very nearly 30 years - but my grief was assuaged somewhat by the almost carbon copy image (printed on card) which replaced it. 

Of course, I could've simply affixed another, different pic, but I'm a creature of habit who hates change of any kind when it comes to my personal surroundings.  I like to have the familiar around me - and though some people say that familiarity breeds contempt, with me it breeds only peace and contentment.

So - Cleo's in her accustomed place and all's right with the world.  What more could a man want in life?  (I always was easy to please.  However, should the real, live Cleo want to give me a call, I'm sure I could make some space in my room for her.)    


  1. Don't you think she'd make an excellent Vampirella?

  2. Well, she's a bit of a vamp, so she's certainly in that mould, JP. Still a fine looking woman these days as well.

  3. Now you've certainly surprised me - I was expecting you to say, "Well she can bite my neck / suck my blood anytime!" !!

  4. A real woman with all the trimmings, pretty sure she (and Sally James off Tiswas) kick-started my obsession with zaftig brunettes.

  5. I don't like to be too predictable ALL the time, JP.


    Just the way Jack Kirby liked them, LJT.

  6. Oh I remember her, she was quite nice, had an endearing habit of sneaking up on you, sticking her tongue in yer ear when you least expected it. She got a bit clingy after a while though, you know the kind of thing, "When are you gonna come round, I've made spagetti for you?" so I chucked her and moved on to Kate Bush.

  7. Ah, so she went out with you after I ditched her, eh?

  8. Yeah she mentioned you once or twice. What was that name she used to use? Thimble... something.

  9. Nah, that was the guy before me. She called me 'Baby's arm, clutching an apple'. I ran into her once when she must've been going out with you. Said she thought you and Kenny would make a nice couple.

  10. Oh that reminds me, do you still have the cushion she bought you?

  11. By the way, it just so happens I've got a couple of pics of her from my really old reference library, there's even a date on the cover of the mag, which is in quite good nick, 1982 wouldya believe? She's got absolutely massive hair in it.

  12. Cushion? That one's over my head, I'm afraid. Which, funnily enough, are the very words she used about part of me.

    As for those piccies - what are you waiting for? Post them on your blog so's I can see 'em.

  13. The snaps of Cleo aren't that great, even the one on the cover. They're portraits so don't get any assets either, I'm afraid.

  14. Ah, well - 'twas worth a try.


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