Tuesday 14 May 2013


Images copyright DC COMICS

Here are the first three covers of WANTED, published by
DC COMICS in 1972.  There were nine issues altogether (the
series ended in '73), 'though I can only recall buying the first few
issues way back when.  I acquired these replacements a number
of years ago and one day I may even get around to obtaining
the remaining issues - hopefully before I fall off the twig.
Wanted - more time - it's running out far too quickly.


  1. Those Wanted comics are so neat. The Cardy covers are just lovely. These and the Secret Origin comics were great ideas that lasted all too small a time.

    I have all of the Wanted books save for the more expensive #2, and most of the Secret Origins. Gems!

    Rip Off

  2. They are very nice, aren't they, Rip. DC seemed to be releasing quite a few mags at that time that didn't quite make it.


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