Tuesday 14 May 2013


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We're nearing the end of the first CURSITOR DOOM adventure, where he faces the centuries-old evil of KALAK The DWARF.  If there were any justice in the world, Cursitor would be a superstar in the world of comics these days, as opposed to a half-forgotten character from yesteryear.  Those who yet remember him do so fondly, but it would be nice to see ol' Cursie team up with Dr. STRANGE or Dr. FATE in current comics crossover continuities, don't you think?

Created by SCOTT GOODALL (who more than likely wrote the above episode) and drawn by the amazing ERIC BRADBURY (sounds like a great story-title in itself, if you ask me), Cursitor Doom graced the pages of the revamped SMASH! back in the late '60s and early '70s.  If you weren't around back then, now you can see what you missed.  And if you were, allow me to reintroduce you to an old friend.

Don't miss the conclusion of this amazing tale - coming soon!  

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