Wednesday 27 March 2013


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

HOORAY!  Rejoice - The MIGHTY WORLD Of MARVEL cover & image gallery is back!  A Baker's dozen of pulsating pages from the early months of Marvel's very first 'official' entry into the British comics market.  Just looking at these pages transports me back in time to the dazzling days of the 1970s faster than QUICKSILVER can burp.  If you were around at the time and buying MWOM, then I'm sure it'll be the same for you.

So cast off the shackles of current-day concerns and submit yourselves to the intoxicating pull of the past and all of its pleasures.  Relive the heady days of your youth once more and pretend you're a lad again with eternity ahead of you, when the only passports required for entry into a wonderland of awesome action, adventure, escapism and excitement were the three magical words - "MAKE MINE MARVEL!"


  1. I used to have that Hulk mini-poster on my bedside table. To this day, I remember it with fondness.

  2. And now you have it again. Steve. Print it out and stick it on a bit of card. If you still have the bedside table, you can reunite them. I love a happy ending.


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