Tuesday 26 March 2013


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Well, lookee here, Criv-ites - it's only the fantastic FOOM #14, with some cracking CONAN The BARBARIAN pictures and an interesting interview with the late and legendary ARCHIE GOODWIN.  I once had the privilege of dining with Archie and his charming wife ANN in Glasgow one evening, after which we strolled through the city centre, admiring the architecture and chatting.

Also in attendance was JOHN McSHANE, famous Scottish comics historian and man-about-town, who had invited me to meet Archie and dine with them.  I think artist WILL SIMPSON was also present, but that could well have been on another occasion.

The great man himself - and Archie.  (Gotcha!)

Anyway, have fun reliving whatever memories (if any) you associate with the accompanying artwork.  And feel free to leave a word or three of appreciation in the comments section.  You wouldn't want me to think I'm wasting my time with this blog for a non-existent audience, now would you?  (Hello... anybody there?)   


  1. How odd to see those pencil roughs for X-Men #102....I've always associated FOOM with the early 70s, and presumed it would have fizzled out by time the all-new X folk came along....how many issues of FOOM were there anyway?

    B Smith

  2. 22 issues in all, B. This issue was from 1976.


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