Tuesday 12 March 2013


Images copyright DC COMICS

Welcome to the second instalment of SILVER AGE DC CLASSICS, a look back at the last DC comicbooks to roll off the printing presses of WORLD COLOUR PRESS in 1992.  As you'll no doubt know, some of these issues were also presented as DC MILLENNIUM EDITIONS in 2000.  Although these newer mags had far superior reproduction, a few millimetres of art and lettering at the foot of half-page story conclusions were 'masked-off' by the margins of modern-day ads underneath them for various DC products, somewhat compromising their completeness.

No such shortcomings with the Silver Age Classic issues, however, so I hope you didn't jettison them in favour of the Millennium Editions, otherwise you're missing parts of some pages as they were originally presented.  Anyway, that's enough 'rabbit' from me, just enjoy the choice-selection of images which adorn this post.  For Part One, click here, and for Part Three, click here.

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