Saturday 16 February 2013


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Just point your pulsatin' peepers at these incredible images from The MIGHTY WORLD Of MARVEL #s 14 & 15, presented in this pertinent post for your patient and 'preciative perusal.  So indelibly ingrained in my memory are these cataclysmic comics that I can tell you what I was doing on each of the Saturdays I purchased them, over 40 years ago.

The day I bought #15 was the day my brother brought our first dog home, a mongrel who looked like a mini-Alsatian.  PRINCE was his name (the dog, not my brother), and all that now exists to record his time with us are two or three colour photos of him out in our back garden.  Ah, the years pass far too quickly.

But enough of my reminiscences - you'll have recollections of your own to re-live as you re-acquaint yourselves with these picto-pages from the poignant and potent past.  So, forget your aches and pains and all the wearisome woes of the world, and let's once again tread the enchanted paths of yesteryear.


  1. Those covers just make you want to buy them. Far better than modern attempts.

  2. You'll get no disagreement from me there.


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