Friday 15 February 2013


If you knew Susie, like I know Susie - well, then you wouldn't know Susie either.  However, I've always harboured a bit of an infatuation for SUSAN STORM, aka the INVISIBLE GIRL.  In 1962, FANTASTC FOUR #10 had a pin-up of her in her section of the FANTASTI-CAR, which was also published on the back page of issue #17 of a British comic called FANTASTIC back in 1967.  It was also published in THE MIGHTY WORLD OF MARVEL #11 in late 1972.
The top photograph is a re-creation of the above pin-up, using a figure and Fantasti-car from different manufacturers quite a few years apart.  However, they fit so well together that it would've been a crime not to combine them for a photo opportunity out in my back garden.
Whaddya think?  


  1. I love it! That is really cool!


  2. Thanks, Doug. I'm quite proud of it.

  3. Sue Storm, ooh yeah, she fills a sweater out nicely.

  4. And it's even better when it's MY sweater. (No, I don't know what I mean either.)


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