Tuesday 23 October 2012


Images copyright DC COMICS

I love the colours on the cover of DETECTIVE COMICS #359, the mag which introduced us to BARBARA GORDON's (new) BATGIRL.  The shop from which I originally bought it in the late 1960s (or possibly very early '70s) still exists (CORSON'S), and I have a number of comics in my collection that I first bought from its premises.  Although the shop survives, unfortunately it no longer sells any American comicbooks (and hasn't for a good many years now), but that's true of most, if not all, U.K. newsagents nowadays.  A vanished era indeed.

The cover clearly made an impact not just on my young mind, but others, too, must have been impressed by it, as witnessed by the two relatively recent examples below.  In this case, nothing quite beats the original though.  You disagree?  Then tell us all why in the comments section.

Yvonne Craig (Batgirl) reads about her comic debut


  1. The cover really is vibrant and dynamic as befits the er,you know,em...duo,or in this instance...trio.
    Corsons was the store i collected my eagerly anticipated Sparky every week,along with if i was lucky,and my mum was generous,a thru`penny lucky bag.
    Oh for the simple pleasures in life...

  2. Lucky Bags. Ah, I remember them well. And sometimes you even got a half-decent toy in one. Skiving again, eh?

  3. As great an artist as Brian Bolland is, I have to go for Infantino's.

    And the one in the third example needs to get a few good meals into her, by the look of it....look at those arms!

    B Smith

  4. I'd have to agree with you, B. Brian's done a nice job on Batgirl's costume highlights, but Bats and Rob look a bit ungainly. I suspect that Carmine's Batgirl figure was 'blacked in', in order to remove the highlights on her curves.


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