Tuesday 23 October 2012


I recently visited Planet KRALKA on a whistle-stop inter-galactic tour, where I spied the most amazing sight.  Believe it or not, there was the original incarnation of The DOCTOR, enjoying a quiet snifter of invigorating Kralkan air, in the company of a first-generation DALEK.  (They were obviously visiting from the 1960s as the Doctor's current manifestation is a foppish, public schoolboy twit with a 'jolly hockey sticks' accent and in desperate need of a good ol' Glasgow kicking.)  What's more astounding, however, was the fact that Doctor and Dalek appeared to be the best of pals.

Huh!  Just goes to show you can't believe everything you see on the telly.  They'll be telling us that they're only actors next.  (What do you mean, there's too much vinegar on my chips?)

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