Saturday 8 September 2012


Images copyright relevant and respective owners

One of the things that every blogger has to concern themselves with is just what to write about for each new post, in the hope that at least someone will be interested in reading the result.  One can never really tell with any certainty just what will float a reader's boat so it's a bit of a gamble whenever a blog host takes the plunge with yet another entry for his members' perusal and hopeful appreciation.  Will a catchy title arouse their curiosity?  Will a dramatic opening illustration grab their attention?  Sometimes I'm surprised as to just what attracts a significant number of hits - and sometimes I'm disappointed in equal measure as to what seems to escape under the radar.

So, "what's the recipe for today, Jim?" - and will it be enough to lure you into my blog's web for a few enjoyable minutes of reading pleasure?  Let's look at the subject of Summer Specials - or Holiday Specials as they were also sometimes called.  Asides from three new Ultimate Beano Summer Specials which graced the shelves of WHS not long ago, the particular breed known as the Summer Special seems to be extinct.  Hardly surprising given the dying interest in comics in general, but no less disappointing for that inarguable fact.

Those of a certain age will recall the glory days, when - for a mere 2'6d (usually) - 96 pages of fun and adventure could be had to pore over again and again.  There was just something about those extra thick publications that seemed to beckon to us from the newsagents' counters - enticing us to spend the halfcrown that a kindly and indulgent grandparent or uncle had given to us only a day or two before.  We were mainly unaware that, inevitably, these bumper packages contained an allocation of reprinted strips from comics or annuals of an earlier era - and what did it matter anyway?  They were definitely new to us.

So come with me now on a short journey, and let us return to an age when Holiday Specials were a welcome distraction as we sheltered under the leafy shade of an overhanging branch from the heat of the sweltering Summer sun.  A bottle of pop in one hand, an oversized paper periodical in the other, the future remained an undiscovered country - in which, sadly, all too soon we would find ourselves residing while wondering how we got there. 

And below is one of my all-time favourite Specials - the TV CENTURY 21 Summer Extra for 1965.  Took me years to track down this replacement, but got it for a very reasonable price.


  1. I loved the summer specials of the late 60's and early 70's. I had some of the ones shown, in fact still have the "Fantastic" one. The end of the school year was when I remember them being available, just before the two weeks holiday (usually the last week in July/first week in August) to such sunny climes as Great Yarmouth, Skegness or Plymouth!

  2. I was mostly disappointed in the summer specials as the art was not always of the best quality imho (or maybe it was the fact that in many cases the regular artist didn't draw the special) but they always looked really cool and packed with strips , games and stories that we poured over whilst travelling on the way to some holiday destination. I always liked the VALIANT specials great covers - great stuff thanks for showing these covers - McScotty

  3. That was sometimes the case, McScotty - but occasionally it worked in reverse. The art on the Janus Stark story in the 1970 Smash Summer Special was absolutely stunning, but not by the usual artist.


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