Monday 10 September 2012


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Presented for your appreciation and approval, the covers of the first three The INCREDIBLE HULK King-Size Specials, along with the fourth, which has fewer pages than the previous trio and therefore not exactly 'King-Size' (though still 'Special').  Hulkie's face on #1 was redrawn by MARIE SEVERIN, although JIM STERANKO's original fizzog remained untouched on the cover reproduction used in ads for the title.  There was something magical about these mags that today's 'Specials' just can't match.  I wish they'd bring 'em back.


  1. HAD to pick up the 1st Special, despite the face, it's STILL Steranko..!!

    Beautiful cover, well worth the investment.

  2. The Steranko Hulk cover was used (original face as well) for Mighty World Of Marvel number 129 (weekly) - Love those early Hulk comics and those King Size editions from the 60s - early 70s just have something about them that the newer editions can't replicate would love to pick these up - McScotty

  3. Yeah, I think I've still got MWOM #129 and noticed that a good few years back. We Brits got quite a few covers unaltered from how they were originally drawn.

  4. In FOOM Magazine (hows that for a blast from the past!) they described the Hulk annual cover like this: "Ads showed a Steranko drawing of a sweating, straining Hulk. When the book was published the Hulk had a non-sweating Marie Severin head attatched". Er- I THINK they meant a "non-sweating Marie Severin-DRAWN head".

  5. I'm lucky enough to have a complete set of FOOM mags, NP - I must dig 'em out and give 'em a look one day soon.

  6. totally iconic cover that .

    Reminded me of FOOM and then you nonchalantly state the obvious....
    FOOM was like gold to my young mind,I had a couple of issues,swaps of course.(vision and Doctor Doom covers)
    My friend had the poster on his wall...was that not a steranko piece also?

  7. Baab, yes - that poster was a Steranko piece. I must unfold it and take a photo for the blog one day. To be honest, I didn't think it was all that great. Good, but not great.


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