Saturday 4 August 2012


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Presenting yet another phantasmagorical panoply of Power-packed pictorial delights - I give you FANTASTIC #s 55-60, published by ODHAMS PRESS back in the late '60s.  I could wax eloquent all day about these MARVEL masterpieces, but it wouldn't be fair to hold you back from passing your peepers over the pop-art productions which follow.  So let's not waste another second - dive right in, the water's lovely.  


  1. Kid,

    It looks like all these pin-ups were either taken from scenes in various original stories or slightly revised (the beast for instance). I don't think there is any Barry Smith here, though.

  2. Nor do I, Nick, although the Beast one could be by him on a bad day. I suspect it's by another artist 'though, copied from a panel in an issue.


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