Saturday 4 August 2012


Here's your genial and handsome host in a television appearance from 1998, on a show called UNDER THE HAMMER.  (And there's doubtless a few people who wish that I were - literally.)  There's an interesting little story to this (I trust), which is why I thought I'd illustrate it with the actual clip.  I don't know where GRAMPIAN TV got my name, but they contacted me about doing an interview on the subject of comics, to which I readily agreed.

On the actual day, about six or seven people turned up - but upon seeing my room, exclaimed "It's an Aladdin's cave!  Forget comics, we'll do a feature on toys!"  Whoever would have thought so many people were required to film one person talking?  There was a cameraman, soundman, interviewer, director, producer, lighting man, etc.  The director and the producer sat in my back room, watching events on a monitor, and the rest all packed into my front room while I held court, so to speak.

Altogether, they were here for about two hours or so, but guess what?  When the programme was broadcast several months later, my moment of glory only lasted under three minutes - if.  That means (assuming ANDY WARHOL was correct) I'm still owed about another twelve and a bit minutes of fame - and I aim to collect!


  1. Think of these three minutes as a trailer for the main event, Kid!

  2. Actually, Martin, I did have another 90 seconds about a year later on Summer Discovery. That involved staying overnight in a hotel, all expenses paid. I'll relate that tale sometime - and show the clip.

  3. You really are a Kid at heart,Kid!
    That was indeed a great interview in which you came across well.I would warrant a TV series on the strength of this being the pilot.
    I`m sure i also saw you on a community channel some years back?

  4. The name's Robson. Gordon Robson. (Are you James Bond in disguise?)

  5. Enjoyed the clip (funny guy as well is there no end to your abilities?) -I always like to look at old toys but never had the urge to buy any again, although was tempted recently to pick up some old Matchbox cars from the 60s (my favourite as a kid) but at £20 plus a car (boxed)I thought I'd stick to my comics (although the Sergio Aragones Batman figure is calling me!) McsCOTTY

  6. Moonmando -Probably a COMMUNITY SERVICE channel.

    George Shiers - Unfortunately, the Official Secrets Act prevents me from telling you.

    McScotty - Some people claim there's no BEGINNING to my abilities. (Buy the Batman figure.)

  7. You have a LOT of toys though! (Jealous!!!) If you've got the money you could get this (which is something I really really want, but just cant afford!!!)

    But don't let those toys go to waste by just leaving them on display! :D

    By the way - nice accent!

  8. That was a really great clip and fantastic collection of toys.

  9. Thanks, Wayne. That's only a small part of them.

  10. Just followed the link here from your REVOLTECH THUNDERBIRD 2. My sort of room and my sort of collection. Great interview, great toys, great stuff. Love the Jetmobile with Steve Z and Zoonie. Tis a beautiful rarity that has eluded me to date. Few and far between, kid :)

  11. Even fewer and farther between in that condition, TK (got the box as well). Don't give up hope, one's bound to turn up one day. Before the Internet, I'd never have imagined being able to reacquire some of the toys I now have. Having said that, I didn't get Steve & Zoonie that way, but quite a few others (not shown in the clip) were obtained via eBay.

  12. I wont give up :) It's just nice to see this vintage plastic gem in the hands of genuine fellow collector. Impressive collection, Kid, well done.

  13. Thank you, sir. Nice to know that my collection is appreciated by other genuine fellow collectors. (By the way, that's only a small part of my collection.)


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