Sunday 5 August 2012


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The EAGLE was Britain's brightest, boldest, biggest and best comic of the 1950s.  Created partly in response to the growing tide of unrest over American crime and horror imports, MARCUS MORRIS's and FRANK HAMPSON's 20 page photo-gravure-printed publication was an immediate hit, selling close to a million copies a week in its heyday.  Star of the comic was undoubtedly DAN DARE, originally envisioned as a space chaplain, but evolving into an interplanetary pilot of the future before first seeing print on or around April 7th, 1950 in Eagle #1.  (Cover-dated April 14th.)  Although originally registered with the G.P.O. as a newspaper (a tradition of the times), the periodical was a comic, pure and simple.  Costing three old pennies (thru'pence), it was published by HULTON PRESS Ltd., and printed by ERIC BEMROSE Ltd.

But whence came the name Dan Dare?  Legend has it (and it may well be true) that the space hero's alliterative appellation was derived from the phrase "Dare to  be a Daniel", in reference to Daniel in the lion's den as recounted in The BIBLE.  (Marcus Morris being a clergyman at the time.)  However, he wasn't the first action-adventurer of that name - a Dan Dare had appeared in WHIZ COMICS back in 1939/'40, sharing the pages of perhaps the greatest hero of them all - CAPTAIN MARVEL.  However, no one much remembers the U.S. counterpart these days, whereas the British incarnation continues to appear in brand-new adventures in every issue of SPACESHIP AWAY, a deluxe, three times a year publication available through mail order and specialist comic shops.  (Click here for details. And if you're a fan of the original Eagle, click here.)

As a special treat, generous moi has decided to show the complete first issue of The Eagle from 1950.  The pages are reproduced from my own personal copy of this legendary landmark and, therefore, any imperfections on the actual pages will be visible in the accompanying images.  And, before you ask, no - it's not for sale!  (Sharp-eyed readers will no doubt spot that another famous character also made his debut in this iconic issue.  I bet when you spot him, you won't be able to stop whistling the theme tune of his later TV show.)  Enjoy.

Click on images to enlarge - when they pop up in another window, click again for optimum size.  


  1. I was reading a book about Eagle today as I was researching for an assignment (ahem), so what a coincidence this post is!

  2. Ah, so THAT's Tommy Walls! Just as fast-moving as I'd expect from and advert comic.

    Is that where Captain Pugwash got his start as well?

  3. Yup, THB, ol' Cap Pug started in Eagle. Whoda thunk it?

  4. That's the first thing I've learned in 2013, and I'm happy about that!


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