Sunday 5 August 2012


It's Sunday, which is commonly regarded by many as the 'day of rest'.  (Though, historically speaking, from the Jewish perspective I believe it's actually a Saturday.)  Never mind, it's time to relax and chill out; to recharge our batteries for the week ahead before plunging back into the maelstrom of life.  With that in mind, here's the titanically-talented MOONMANDO, playing an appropriate musical melody to soothe your troubled soul and touch your heart with peace and tranquillity.  Enjoy!

(Incidentally, the original video disappeared, so I replaced it with a more recent one, hence the disparity in the dates.)


  1. Today is supposed to be a day of holiness,yet i managed to murder that tune.
    More bum notes there than a baked bean tester... :)

  2. As Eric Morecambe once said, you "played all the right notes - but not necessarily in the right order", eh?

    And there's no way you can get a refund from Bert Weedon. He's playing a harp these days, instead of a guitar.

    You old finger-plucker you.


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