Thursday 9 August 2012


Johnny Samson, previousy Thunderbolt Jaxon.
Art possibly by Hugh McNeill?

And now, the second instalment in this three-part series of a complete issue of BUSTER & The BIG ONE from 1965.  Just think - the year in which this comic went on sale, THUNDERBALL was the then-latest BOND movie, The BEATLES were still together, The SAINT was still on television, CHARLTON HESTON's body double from BEN HURCHRISTOPHER TRACE - was still presenting BLUE PETER, I was still a young lad with the future in front of me, and everything seemed right with the world.  (At least from my perspective.)  And, perhaps even more importantly (as far as U.K. kids were concerned), there was still a thriving comics industry in this country and we were spoilt for choice as to which weekly pictorial publication we wished to purchase.  (How different to the way things are today.)

So, if you're of a certain age and were a Buster reader back when the comic was a mere five years old, enjoy this look back at not only a vanished periodical, but a vanished era;  when there were no such things as mobile 'phones, personal computers, ipads, DVD players, TVs in every room, and seemingly unlimited pocket-money - and life seemed no worse for the lack of them.

Art by various artists

Sinbad Simms.  Art by Eric Roberts

Jon of the Jungle.  Art possibly by Jordi Bernet?

For Part Three, click here.  For Part One, click here.


  1. THE STEEL CLAW fan9 August 2012 at 15:17

    Wonnnderful scans Kid! You are providing an essential service for those of us unable or unwilling to pay the exorbitant prices that sellers charge for those old comics. They should bring Buster back, and soon!

  2. Glad you like them Steel Claw fan. And you're right about Buster - even 'though it's unlikely.

  3. I really enjoyed this. I especially like the cat and the ads.

  4. Glad to hear, Barry. People enjoying it makes it all worthwhile.


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