Friday 10 August 2012


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Say what you like about STAN LEE, but one thing he was good at was coming up with catchy titles.  For instance, just look at the first offering in this new instalment of MARVEL TALES SPIDEY covers: "The GOBLIN And The GANGSTERS!"  And let's not forget "BRING BACK My GOBLIN To ME!" in ish #165.  Superb stuff indeed, and it's this sense of fun that '60s writers and artists were clearly having with the comics they created that's sadly lacking in many of today's lacklustre and disappointing offerings.

However, I'm not here to preach to you, merely to present this latest batch of Sturdy STEVE DITKO masterpieces for your consideration and enjoyment.  Take a look at the cover of MT #167, which originally adorned Spidey's second annual - in which he met that ol' Master of the Mystic Arts, Dr. STRANGE.  I'm lucky enough to have that particular publication in my collection (as well as the first), and there's just something about it which reaches out and grabs you.  Thankfully, none of its magic has been lost in the Marvel Tales reprint, despite a little juggling to accommodate the bar-code box.  And ANDY YANCHUS (who once worked for the famous AURORA model kits) has done a superb job of colouring the interiors.

Anyway, that's enough needless chat from me - on to the goodies.


  1. One superb cover after another. Ditko was really on a roll, conveying suspense, mystery and danger in every scene. I agree with you that Stan came up with some wonderful titles in the 1960s and his cover copy was compelling and fun. Together they truly did move you to want to read the stories inside.

  2. Sadly, Nick. they just don't make covers like that any more. Or, if they do, I haven't seen them. Thanks for commenting.


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