Sunday 19 August 2012


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Alas, we're now at the end of our super series of MARVEL TALES SPIDER-MAN covers, mostly drawn by STEVE DITKO, but with a couple by JACK KIRBY (though inked by Ditko) which were shown in Part One.  (Kirby also drew a Spidey figure for one of the covers in Part Two.)  Sturdy Steve's original webbed-wonder in the above pic was redrawn (possibly by Jolly JK) because the character's 'posterior' was considered a little too prominent. Ditko left the strip seemingly without producing a cover for his final ish, so one was assembled from individual panels in the mag's interior pages.

Also included in this fantabulously fantastic finale is the unused cover artwork for AMAZING FANTASY #15 and The AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #10, plus a pulsating pin-up originally published in ASM #3.  Had Ditko's cover to AF #15 seen print, it more than likely would've borne the same logo that adorned Kirby's published version.  The mag's name had undergone a last-minute revision since the previous issue and the completed masthead may not have been available at the time Ditko drew the page, hence the initial use of a proposed logo-design which was subsequently rejected.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy viewing these superb images from yesteryear just as much as I do.  If you don't, there's no refund, I'm afraid.  No point complaining - entry was free anyway.) 


  1. Great stuff really enjoyed the Marvel Tales series and have been trying to pick up some of the old earlier numbers with Ditkos (and Romita Snrs art and they cost a fair amount - Its good to see the latter strips by Ditko these are among my favourites and not always reprinted - For those interested I noticed that there's a 50th Anniversary Spider man annual out that reprints the first 4 or so Ditko strips (and a great big black book in Forbidden Planet with Ditko's Charlton work it looked great at £29 but only had a passing glance as was meeting friends and running late)= McScotty

  2. Thanks, McScotty, I'll be taking a look at that annual for sure - even 'though I've already got those issues goodness knows how many times over.

  3. It was a dissapointment when those Ditko Spidey reprints ended. It seemed to speed by, but then again time works differently when we're adults.

    Kirby definitely pencilled that Spidey figure on the cover to # 35, likely inked by Brodsky. John Romita himself told me he was in the office when Kirby was redrawing the figure. It would be at the time he was pencilling Daredevil, so it makes sense.

    In that period covers was usually produced after the interiors were drawn, so Ditko was probably already out the door when it came time to produce covers for both Spidey and Doc Strange.

  4. I wonder if Kirby might have inked that figure himself perhaps? It doesn't really look like any of the usual suspects. I was pretty sure it had been drawn by Kirby, because - apart from looking like Jack's work - I remember reading somewhere that it had been. However, I couldn't recall exactly where so that I could double-check, hence me 'playing it safe' in case I was wrong. Thanks for confirming it, Nick.

  5. The inking is a little too slick in comparison to Kirby's known inking, and Brodsky would be the main suspect, since this drawing was done in the office (and it looks like his inking to my eye).

  6. It seems kind of similar to me to Kirby's inking of Captain America on Fantasy Masterpieces #4. Brodsky usually had thicker outlines in places on his figures, so it doesn't immediately strike me as his style. I wouldn't bet my house on it either way 'though.


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