Monday 27 August 2012


Images copyright DC COMICS

You'd be amazed at how often a good cover design is reused by other artists in 'homage' to the original.  It's happened quite often over the years, so welcome to the first in an occasional series which throws the spotlight on comic covers and their 'copies'.  First up is SUPERMAN #243 from October 1971, and JONAH HEX #91 from June 1985.  There's a respectable interval of 14 years between these pieces, but I recognized the source immediately when I bought the latter in a shop in London's Victoria Train Station back around the mid-'80s.

More covers to come in the future.


  1. Wow, sometimes these kind of homages are sorta similar. This one is spot on—detail for detail. Both of them nice covers.

  2. I think a little tracing may have gone on there, Thom. At least on the outlines. I still remember the Superman tale - I'd have to re-read the Hex one to remind myself of what happens.


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