Monday 27 August 2012


DOCTOR WHO makes a welcome return to U.K. TV screens this Saturday, along with his arch-enemies The DALEKS.  To celebrate, I thought you might like to try making some chocolate Daleks to munch on while watching the show.  So, step back in time with this recipe from the pages of TV CENTURY 21 #28, cover-dated July 31st, 2065 - a comic well and truly a hundred years ahead of its time.

Incidentally, TV21 editor, the late ALAN FENNELL, copied the above recipe directly from his own issue of the comic and sent it to me back in the early '90s, as the one I'd cut out as a kid and which was kept in my mother's cook/bake book had been misplaced over the years.  Nice of Alan to kindly supply a replacement.

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