Friday 24 August 2012


Images copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

Due out sometime in September - The DANDY: 75 YEARS - a card-bound Special containing a reprint of the first issue, as well as lots of other classic strips.  (The decision to include #1 was made before the weekly's fate had been determined.  The final edition in December will also include a facsimile of the first issue.)

The Special will be in the same format as The BEANO one (above) from 2008, with DESPERATE DAN seen through the hole in the card cover.  Let's hope they publish another Beano Special when the comic celebrates its 75th birthday in 2013.

The Dandy special is priced at £5.99 and is exclusive to WH SMITH's.  Keep your eyes peeled.


UPDATE: And here's what it looks like (below).  It's currently available in some branches of WHS earlier than anticipated.  Contrary to information supplied to me earlier, the reprint contains only 24 of the original 28 pages.


FOOTNOTE:  Apparently, The Dandy's circulation has increased by over 60% as a result of all the recent publicity surrounding its fate, but it's unlikely to be enough to earn it a reprieve, sadly.  Incidentally, around 90% of sales of certain DCT magazines are due to them being sold in WH Smith's, so the claim from some apologists that The Dandy's failure was mainly down to factors other than readers' dissatisfaction with the content appears to be somewhat tenuous.


Looking for the post about the last issue of The Dandy?  Click here.


  1. It is pleasing to see DC Thomson giving you information instead of certain other blogs. The times they are a'changing shall we say and attitude shifts are happening towards such as yourself who have been vindicated.

  2. Those other blogs will be getting the information in due course - I was just in the fortunate position of being able to steal a march on them on this occasion.

  3. Well this is interesting news - the 60% increase in sales is also an interesting (if predictable) piece of news as well.

    I'll be getting this one straight away. Missed the boat with the Beano one and had to get it off eBay about a year later.

  4. Let's hope WH Smith's puts them in the proper section this time 'round.

  5. Just came here from Comics UK. Good news indeed. Keep us informed Kid.

  6. I've read your post. How do we know you're not just making it all up? Based on your past hate posts you're not exactly the sort of person insiders would send information to are you?

  7. What a ridiculous question - obviously asked by someone with an extremely tenuous grasp of logic or common sense. (To say nothing of manners.) Why would I advertise something which wasn't going to happen? Then I'd look foolish and nobody would believe anything I say. The proof will be on the shelves come September.

    And if you want to regard factual reports of people's unreasonable and irrational behaviour as 'hate posts', then feel free. Doesn't make it so 'though. Given what you're trying to insinuate, your comment could be regarded as a 'hate post' - especially as it's based on nothing more than your own clearly warped and prejudiced view.

    As for your last point - you're obviously presuming that 'insiders' DON'T agree with the content of certain of my posts. Perhaps that's a mistake on your part.

  8. I was talking about your hate posts against the Dandy not your opinions on people.

  9. Same answer still applies really. You're assuming that everyone at DCT doesn't share my assessment of The Dandy. And to suggest I'd lie about forthcoming publications is impertinent in the extreme.

  10. Hi could someone post the cover please i hera its out now

  11. I'll post it as soon as I get my hands on one. I'm surprised it's out this early. I was told the distributors wouldn't have it until the 8th of the month or thereabouts.

  12. The back cover of the special says its #1. Have your sources told you if there will be a second issue Kid? Maybe it could feature some 1980-2000 strips if they do one?

  13. It's not unusual for one-shots to be numbered #1, but I'd imagine they're keeping their options open. If it sells well, there could well be further issues. Look at the Ultimate Beano Summer Specials - there were two of them this year, if I remember correctly.


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