Saturday 25 August 2012


Copyright relevant owner

It suddenly occurs to me that in all the time I've been running this blog, I've never really done a post on any of the comicbook incarnations of STAR TREK.  This is mainly due to the fact that, apart from a reprint of half of a GOLD KEY Star Trek strip given away in the second issue of NEW MIGHTY TV COMIC, and some strips in a few TV21 comics and annuals, I'm very far from being spoilt for choice.

I'll dig them all out one day perhaps, but in the meantime, here's a strip from the New Mighty TV Comic Annual for 1978.  (Although, going by the 1969 copyright date, it could possibly have been a reprint from an earlier Annual or Special.)  Ready?  "Warp factor six - second star to the right and straight on 'til morning..."

And, just in case you should ever want to track down the book on eBay, here's what its cover looks like.  Happy Hunting.

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