Thursday 26 July 2012


Most people will remember her as ROMANA, assistant and fellow (didn't look like a fellow to me) Time Lord to TOM BAKER's DOCTOR WHO in the long-running BBC science-fiction series. However, I can't help but think of her as TERRY COLLIER's Finnish girlfriend, CHRISTINA, in The LIKELY LADS, the film version of the popular television series in the '60s and '70s. (The '70s series was called WHATEVER HAPPENED To The LIKELY LADS - without a question mark.)

I'm referring to actress MARY TAMM, who has sadly died from cancer at the far-too young age of sixty-two.  Mary appeared in various movies, TV, and theatre productions, but it's perhaps as Romana that she'll be best remembered by viewers of a certain age.  What's far more important however, is that she'll be remembered as a loving wife, mother, and comrade by her family and friends, and all those who were closest to her.

At the end of the day, that's the best anyone can hope for.  


  1. I put me slippers on and walked her to the bus stop...

    You're hardly Omar Sharif, are you?

    If Omar Sharif lived in Gateshead, even he wouldn't be Omar Sharif!

  2. It's a brilliant movie, full of great one-liners.

    "It's the first time all night I've known what he's got in his hand." (Thelma to Bob and Chris as they listen to Terry taking a pee against the back of the caravan after playing Bridge.)

  3. I'd offer you a beer but I've only got six cans.

  4. "In the chocolate box of life, the top layer's already gone...and someone's pinched the orange cream from the bottom."


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