Thursday 26 July 2012


Regular readers will doubtless have read me wittering on about my old primary school from time to time.  It's due for demolition in about a year, although it's currently housing pupils from another school while a new building is being constructed for them to move into.

However, the school on which I've previously waxed eloquent was not the first one I actually attended.  No, before that, when I lived in a different neighbourhood, I was the pupil of another educational establishment for which I also have a warm, nostalgic affection.

'Twas in this very school that enthralled pupils discussed television shows like The SINGING RINGING TREE and ROBINSON CRUSOE, on the mornings after their first broadcasts back in the '60s.  We likewise enthused about SUPERCAR, FIREBALL XL5 and STINGRAY on our TV screens, and also in the pages of TV CENTURY 21, which was then a new comics sensation.

Ah, happy memories of days gone by!  It was therefore sad to see, while passing it the other night, that the bulldozers had begun their work of obliterating it from the face of the earth.  I knew it was due to happen, but I had been informed (wrongly) that it wouldn't be 'til October, and had entertained hopes of getting access to take some photos and record it for posterity.

Fortunately, I had managed to get photos of the place some years back, though the camera I used wasn't as good as my current one and the pictures were of average quality.  That's why I was eager to repeat the procedure - so that I could hopefully obtain some superior images.  Alas, it was destined not to be.

However, I suppose I can still seek solace in my stock of older photos, as well as in the many happy recollections stored away in the cupboards of memory, ready to be accessed at a moment's notice whenever I once again want to walk down the first school corridors of my childhood.


  1. Such a nice building. It's best to keep a photo record of these places.

  2. Kinda like the time I did that for a school I knew a mile from home that had to be torn down due to it's age (it would've been a century old in 2018 had they not done so).

  3. Chris, that school was the first ever built in my town - and it was intended only as a temporary building. I can guarantee that there was nothing wrong with it, and that it was in far better condition than many a school which came after. It would have lasted another fifty years at least, but the local council are in pursuit of an agenda. Madness.


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