Monday 7 May 2012


Anyone remember when STARBURST (no, not the sci-fi magazine - the sweets) were called OPAL FRUITS?  When I was a lad, there was an advert on telly for ESSO BLUE which I would deliberately confuse with the one for Opal Fruits.  "Esso Blue - made to make your mouth water", I would trill merrily, replacing the combustible fuel for the delicious sweets.  I can only suppose that both tunes were similar, which led to my youthful act of 'creative manipulation'.

Anyway, for all those who mourn the loss of a familiar name from childhood, above is a wrapper to remind you of how things used to be.


  1. Fresh with the tang of citrus!

  2. Can you remember the rest of the words, Martin? (I can't - 'though I will when I'm reminded.)

  3. "Four refreshing fruit flavours" suggests itself to me from the depths of my brain. Sound familiar?

  4. I was at that age where I believed in all the holy holies,I went to confessions at my local and after I had made up all the truly bad things I had done,a familiar packet of sweets came sliding through the curtain...

    A full size packet of opal fruits!
    I sat around to see if it was just me(ha!) being rewarded for being a good sinner,but the three other kids present also recieved a packet.

    Within half an hour the building had about thirty kids all sharing sins and waiting for their opportunity...
    Being a wee smart ass reader nerd type I changed the words to.'opal fruits made to make your mouth wander!'

  5. Bet you went to confession as often as you could, eh? Free sweets are not to be sniffed at.

  6. do you think the priest was encouraging or discouraging sin?
    confusing .
    He only did this once and our attention soon switched to the local salvation army hall where they had guests who had found jesus and cold pancakes for nothing.

  7. If it had been a regular thing, he may have inadvertently encouraged a more frequent attendance and confession to imaginary sins by kids who were just there for the sweets. However, if it was just a one-off, I don't suppose it made any difference.

    I've been lured to the occasional church meeting myself with the promise of free tea and biscuits afterwards, so I can't cast the first stone.

  8. For your delectation chaps The full lyrics where.......

    Opal fruits - Made to make your mouth water!
    ....fresh with the tang of citrus,
    four refreshing fruit flavours,
    "Orange! Strawberry! Lemon! Lime!
    'Opal fruits - Made to make your mouth water!

    And they will never be Starburst as long as I draw breath :)

  9. Well, I'm a few years late in responding to your comment, but better late than never. eh? Thanks for the info on the lyrics. (Dunno how I missed your comment at the time.)


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