Tuesday 8 May 2012


For fans of the FRANKENSTEIN MONSTER who may have wondered what the actual colour of his skin was supposed to be in those old black and white films, you may be surprised to learn that the model kits and toys down through the years had it right from day one.  As you can see from this rare, unretouched colour photo of BORIS KARLOFF from the movie, SON Of FRANKENSTEIN, his epidermis was a pale and putrid green.

Pea soup, anyone?  (If so, better get it looked at.) 


  1. i was re-watching a truly terrible movie last night,the last version of The Time Machine.
    I have been taking my kids through some movies I feel they should see,I have mentioned their memory loss with movies they watched as children(chitty chitty)

    I was sure they would have remembered the original,but...no.....so...... I get to watch the original(well,the rod taylor movie)

    What has that got to do with the article???

    Jeremy Irons plays the head Morlock and he is awesome.
    I introduced the notion that Jeremy is a dead ringer for Boris Karloff and therefore the best choice for a biopic.
    He even has the lisp going on.

    Kids did not know who Boris Karloff was,but when I said,he played Frankensteins Monster in the universal movies,they knew immediately and hey,they agreed wi me!
    good boys.

  2. Actually, Jeremy does bear a resemblance to Boris now that I think about it. Well spotted, that man.


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