Wednesday 4 April 2012



Now, for all you frantic fearsome fans of sword and sorcery author ROBERT E. HOWARD's Cimmerian hero, you're in for a special treat.  Here's the young CONAN The BARBARIAN in his very first MARVEL COMICS outing - originally from CTB #1 and reprinted in the first of an eleven-issue series of CONAN CLASSIC.  Written by ROY (The BOY) THOMAS and drawn by BARRY (WINDSOR) SMITH.  Enjoy - and feel free to leave a comment you-know-where.

And if you'd like to see Big JOHN BUSCEMA's much later version of the same tale, then click here.


  1. I like this era of Barry Smith because he is beginning to leave the steranko/kirby influences behind and find himself,and this is enough to hook in the straggler fans of the steranko/kirby fanbase among many others..
    I also liked the Ka-Zar comics by Barry ,which are done in a similar style.

    I was watching an interview with Barry giving his opinion on Jack Kirby and he was a humble fanboy.
    Did I tell you I liked Barry Smith.

  2. baab, be honest now and stop beating about the bush - do you like Barry Smith or don't you?


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