Wednesday 14 March 2012


Images copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

Recently, over on another blog, someone posted scans of the first issue of D.C. Thomson's The BEANO.  Unfortunately, he used an abridged replica edition of the comic given away with The SUNDAY POST a couple of years or so ago.  I politely pointed this out, but he disputed it, saying several experts had confirmed it was the full comic. I sent him some scans of the missing pages, whereupon he grudgingly admitted I was right, but was clearly none-too-pleased about being mistaken, claiming such things weren't all that important.  He strikes me as being a surly, ungracious, immature and slightly unbalanced individual, so I won't be wasting any more of my time trying to help him again in the future.

Anyway, so that Beano fans aren't deprived of seeing the complete first issue, I'm going to post all 28 pages in two parts.  Here's the first one.  Click here for Part Two.


  1. Wait - do you have an original Beano #1???

  2. (Any burglars reading this?) "No, of course I don't."


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