Tuesday 13 March 2012


When I was a full-time comics contributor a goodly number of years ago, I was up and down to London like a yo-yo.  I recall being given a BUSTER strip (drawn by REG PARLETT) to deliver to The SUNDAY MAIL in Glasgow during a strike, and, on another occasion, I was given a large HALO JONES pin-up to deliver to JOHN McSHANE and the lads from AKA COMICS at the Virginia Galleries, also located in the heart of the city.

This was a gift from artist IAN GIBSON, and as I knew the AKA lads, I was asked if I'd hand it across.  "Nae bother!" as they say, but when I got home, the first thing I did (apart from grabbing some sleep) was to get someone to snap a photo of me with said page, to demonstrate that I was actually considered responsible enough to be entrusted with such an artistic treasure.  As you can't see my face in the photo, I don't suppose any such conclusion can be arrived at, but let's face it - who's going to look at a drawing when my handsome fizzog is on display?  So it worked out for the best in the end.  (He said, modestly.)

Shame the image isn't sharper, but it's a cropped section of a photo taken from the foot of the stairs.  I'll see if I can dig out the actual comic it appeared in and scan it so you can all get a better look.  Trust me, however, the published version didn't even come close to doing full justice to the original art.   

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