Wednesday 29 February 2012



March 1st, 1975.  That was the day MARVEL U.K. released two new additions to their regal roster of rampaging weekly publications.  You've seen the first three covers of one mag - The SUPER-HEROES - in a previous post, but now comes the time to turn the spotlight on its companion title, SAVAGE SWORD Of CONAN.

SSOC, as it was affectionately known (in my house anyway), only lasted for eighteen issues, and I still happen to have my original copies.  Therefore, it's not exactly a stretch to dig 'em out and scan the covers for all you rabid fans out there of ROBERT E. HOWARD's Cimmerian warrior, CONAN The BARBARIAN.

As well as Conan, the mag also featured KULL The CONQUEROR as a back-up feature, along with (on occasion) KA-ZAR, LORD Of The HIDDEN JUNGLE and THONGOR Of LEMURIA.  It was quite a decent little mag on reflection, and it really should have lasted longer than it did.  When it faded from the scene, it was absorbed by another British weekly publication, The AVENGERS.  (By the way, Look at the cover above.  Due to the colouring of the grey god's bracelet, at first glance Conan looks as if he has a reptilian tail.)

Although the weekly was relatively short-lived, the title was eventually revived as a monthly in 1977, lasting for ninety-three issues before coming to an end in 1985. However, that's a whole other story - for now, sit back and savour the first six covers of the weekly title from the '70s.

Remember to keep your eyes peeled for Part Two sometime soon, when we'll feature another six covers from the series.

See part two here, and part three here.


  1. Isn't it amazing that almost forty years on, I still remember that issues 3 and 5 were never part of my weekly order, due to some delivery problem?

  2. And I bet it doesn't seem all that long ago, eh? Funny thing, memory. My #1 still has the poster stapled inside. I bought two copies so that I could put the poster on my wall. Still got them.


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