Saturday 17 December 2011


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In the 1964/'65 FIREBALL XL5 Annual, ALAN FENNELL (future editor of TV CENTURY 21, LOOK-IN, and writer of various GERRY ANDERSON TV shows) wrote ROBERT On The RAMPAGE, a story set against a Christmas party background.  (He wrote all the stories and features in the book.)  I believe ERIC EDEN drew this four-page tale, being one of four artists who illustrated the Annual, so - continuing our Festive theme - here it is in all its glory for your personal perusal and appreciation.  Enjoy.

"And everyone has a happy time."  Yeah - everyone except Robertthat is.  I sure hope he punches Steve's lights out in a rematch.  If Eden wasn't the artist of this tale, then it was either EDDIE PAUL, GERRY EMBLETON, or GERRY WOOD - you can take your pick.

NEXT:  The MENACE At CHRISTMAS!  (After The Christmas Dandy and Beano Reviews.) 

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