Monday 7 November 2011


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

First came WHAM! in June 1964, followed nearly two years later by SMASH!  (February 1966.)  Then, 11 months after that (January 1967 to be precise) came POW!, with FANTASTIC following hot on its heels in a few short weeks.  (February 1967.)  Not long after, TERRIFIC, the final entry in the POWER COMICS series, appeared in April 1967.

Terrific was the shortest lived of the 'big 5' (to borrow a DCterm) published by ODHAMS PRESS, lasting only 43 issues before being merged with Fantastic (#52).  However, before its demise, it bestowed on its rabid readers such gems as The SUB-MARINERThe AVENGERSDr. STRANGE, and a British-produced strip (illustrated by a foreign artist) called The TOYS Of DOOM.

Here, now, in celebration of this classic comic periodical of the '60s, is a cover and pin-up gallery which will continue from time to time in upcoming posts.  Incidentally, any back-page pin-ups which weren't reprints of original MARVEL art were usually drawn by BARRY (WINDSOR) SMITH when he was yet a mere teenager.  Keep a look-out for future posts and have fun seeing if you can tell which ones were drawn by his own fair hand.

Now - feast your eyes on this awesome artwork.


  1. What a beautiful comic. Fantastic was my favourite although I had a couple Terrifics and a few Pows. This was before I could actually read, of course.

  2. I think Fantastic was my favourite as well, especially after Wham! was merged with Pow!

    I was buying Wham! before Fantastic came out, you see, and was in love with Sue Storm (until Jack gave her a dodgy hairstyle, fickle little bleeder that I was).

    Then came Fantastic (#7 was my first issue, but I soon acquired the earlier ones) and I cheated on Sue with Jean Grey for a while.

    I'm so ashamed.


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