Saturday 5 November 2011



Here's a cover that most people won't have seen before, except for a miniature reproduction on some interior or back page ad back in 1986.  Or, perhaps, the BUSTER site (for which I supplied a scan from my own extremely rare issue) - or when I posted it about a year or so ago on this very blog.

This issue was printed, but pulled at the last moment before distribution (though some copies did get through the net) because of Buster handling a lighted firework, to say nothing of his pal setting one off in such close proximity to him.  Not a good example to set the kiddies, you see.

However, I think it nicely captures the atmosphere of GUY FAWKES' NIGHT, so have decided to give it another airing to delight and enthrall all you lucky people.  No, don't thank me, that's what I'm here for - to bring joy and merriment to others.

And - still on the Guy Fawkes theme - as a bonus, here's a photo of an original page of BUSTER'S DIARY by artist ANGEL NADAL, from the 1960s.  Don't say I don't spoil you, Criv-ites.


  1. What shame we have no characters like these, in the coalition.

  2. But aren't ALL politicians comedy characters? I can't take any of them seriously.


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