Friday 14 October 2011


Built and painted by Kid Robson

For no other reason than I'm extremely proud of it, I'd thought I'd share another photo of my AURORA SUPERMAN kit from 1974.  I assembled and painted it myself, hand-painting the 'S' emblems on the costume and cape, rather than using the adhesive labels supplied.  This second release of the famous hobby kit was issued without the nameplate of the original '64 version (as were all subsequent releases), but I added a spare one as I think the model looks better with it.

This kit has been released five times over the years, and I have them all, plus an unbuilt and boxed spare of the original version.  Here are the dates and companies involved:

1964 by Aurora. * 1974 by Aurora. * 1978 by Monogram. * 1984 by MPC. * 1999 by Revell.

As I said, only the 1964 kit included a nameplate (and had moulded 'S' emblems), and the '84 and '99 kits had a different head.

Perhaps MOEBIUS Models will re-release the original kit sometime soon.

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